User-Defined Rate 1

User-Defined Rates 1 and 2 are used to cost the labor hours that employees charge. User-Defined Rate 1 is well suited for labor cost rates, especially if the rates are driven by projects, unions, locations, labor codes, and so on.

If you use the Labor Costing feature, when an employee charges hours on a timesheet, Time and Expense with ESS goes through a series of steps to determine which rate to use as User Defined Rate 1.

Possible Sources of Rates

Time and Expense with ESS can use any of these fields to determine User-Defined Rate 1:

  • Employee — You can specify a rate for each employee on the Employee History tab of the Employee Information screen. You can download this rate from your ERP/Payroll system or enter it manually.
  • UDT01 — The UDT01 that the employee charges can determine the rate used.  If you don't use Costpoint, UDT01 is typically the project.
  • UDT02 — The UDT02 that the employee charges can determine the rate used.
  • UDT03 — The UDT03 that the employee charges can determine the rate used. UDT03 is typically a location code. This approach is useful if you need to determine labor rates by location, which is necessary if you need to support Service Contract Act (SCA) wages.
  • UDT05 — The UDT05 that the employee charges can determine the rate used. UDT05 is typically a union code. This approach is useful if you need to determine labor rates by union, which is necessary if you need to support Service Contract Act (SCA) wages.
  • UDT06 — The UDT06 that the employee charges can determine the rate used. UDT06 can be used for any information that is not dependent on other UDTs.
  • UDT07 — The UDT07 that the employee charges can determine the rate used. UDT07 is typically a labor code. This approach is useful if you need to determine labor rates by labor code, which is necessary if you need to support Service Contract Act (SCA) wages.

How Rate is Determined

Time and Expense with ESS follows this process to locate the User-Defined Rate 1 to apply to an employee's timesheet line.

Step Process
Search wage schedule forUDT01/ UDT03/ UDT05/ UDT05 Time and Expense with ESS looks at the UDT01,UDT03,UDT05, and UDT07 charged on the timesheet line. It then looks at the wage schedules for these codes, looking for an exact match in which the wage schedule's effective date is the latest and is earlier than the timesheet hours date. (If you use enhanced wage determination, UDT06 is also included in the search for a match.)
Search wage schedule for UDT03/UDT05/UDT07/Partial UDT01 Time and Expense with ESS looks at the UDT01,UDT03,UDT05,and UDT07 charged on the timesheet line. It then looks at the wage schedules for these codes, looking for an exact match in which the wage schedule's effective date is the latest and is earlier than the timesheet hours date.  In this case, the wage schedule's UDT01 must be like the UDT01 charged on the timesheet line.  (If you use enhanced wage determination, UDT06 is also included in the search for a match.)
Find employee rate Time and Expense with ESS looks at the Employee History tab of the Employee Information screen to find a rate for which  the effective date is the latest and is earlier than the timesheet hours date.
Search UDT02/UDT07 wildcard links Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT02/UDT07 Wildcard Link table for an exact match to the UDT02 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT02/UDT07 wildcard links for a partial match Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT02/UDT07 Wildcard Link table for an exact UDT07 match and a partial UDT02 match to the UDT02 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT02/UDT07 direct links Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT02/UDT07 Link table for an exact match to the UDT02 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT01/UDT07 wildcard links Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT01/UDT07 Wildcard Link table for an exact match to the UDT01 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT01/UDT07 wildcard links for a partial match Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT01/UDT07 Wildcard Link table for an exact UDT07 match and a partial UDT01 match to the UDT01 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT01/UDT07 direct links Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT01/UDT07 Link table for an exact match to the UDT01 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.
Search UDT07 Time and Expense with ESS searches the UDT07 table for an exact match to the UDT01 and UDT07 on the timesheet line.

Other Factors

These factors affect how User-Defined Rate 1 is determined.

If you select the Standard or Enhanced option for Wage Determination on the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Configuration screen, Time and Expense with ESS uses wage schedules to determine the rate. With the Standard option, it looks for UDT01, UDT03, UDT05, and UDT07 codes found on the timesheet line. With the Enhanced option, it also looks for UDT06.

The Link > UDT02/UDT07 value on the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen determines whether UDT02 and UDT07 are linked and whether this link is direct or via wildcards.

The Link UDT01/UDT07 value on the UDT Options tab of the General Configuration screen determines whether the UDT01 to UDT07 are linked and whether this link is direct or via wildcards.

When you set up a rate on the Wage Schedule screen, the value you select in the Apply field determines when the wage schedule rate is used, if one is found: Always or If Higher Than Employee Rate .

If a rate is found, it must be greater than zero to be applied.


Result 1

Rate - Wage Schedule Rate

Fringe Rate - Wage Schedule Fringe Rate

Fringe Reduction Rate - Employee Fringe Reduction Rate

Result 2

Rate - Employee Rate

Fringe Rate - Wage Schedule Fringe Rate

Fringe Reduction Rate - Employee Fringe Reduction Rate

Result 3

Rate - Link27 Wildcard Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero

Result 4

Rate - Link27 Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero

Result 5

Rate - Link17 Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero

Result 6

Rate - Link27 Wildcard Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero

Result 7

Rate - UDT07 Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero

Result 8

Rate - Employee Rate

Fringe Rate - Zero

Fringe Reduction Rate - Zero